It’s a growing concern for young people and adults alike. Being safe on the web is getting hard and harder, but with these simple tips we can keep you safer.

1. When using social media sites like Facebook, make sure your profile and what you are posting can only be seen by your friends and that you are only friends with people you actually know. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have as many friends as someone else, what matters is that you are safe.

2. Don’t put any personal information on social media, especially sites like Twitter, where your posts are open for all to see. You could open yourself up to identity theft or to people contacting you by other means that you don’t want them to.

3. Never agree to meet someone who you have met online. They may not be who they say they are. If you are sure you can trust them and you are determined to meet them then take an adult you know with you, meet in a public place and make sure other people know where you are going.

4. If people are bullying you online or are contacting you when you have asked them not to, tell an adult you trust and they will support you to report the behaviour to the relevant people.

5. Really make sure you understand the social media you are using. Read the terms and conditions and know what is happening with what you are posting.

6. Probably the most basic rule, before you post, look at what you are posting and ask yourself, “Is there anyone I wouldn’t want to see this?”. If the answer is yes, then don’t post it, because once it is out there then there is the potential for anyone to see it and it may come back to bite you!

Post byEllie

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